We would be happy to speak to your group. SeniorCare Options has various Power Point presentations that we can offer, and would be glad to tailor just for your audience.
- “What Are Your Options?” – A general overview of the types of care and senior communities in the Atlanta area – to assist in educating you about your choices for aging in place.
- “Top 10 Things You Need to Know in Caring for Your Parents” – The top 10 most common questions we are asked, and great insight into “where to get started.” We will discuss such things as what is a POA, when to stop driving, and What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.
- “The Sandwich Generation” – if you are caring for kids at home while simultaneously caring for parents, this one is for you. When to get help and how to care for yourself.
- “Dementia, What is it and Can it Be Prevented?” – This program offers education about the different forms of dementia, and the stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as tips to prolong good cognition.
- What is an Aging Life Care Care Manager?” – basic understanding of what a ALCM can do for you and your loved ones. When to use a ALCM for assessment or medical management.
- “Navigating the Medical System – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know” – a primer on understanding the need for advocacy in a hospital or Rehab unit. What you don’t know could hurt you.