“What types and how much of the medical care (including Geriatric Care Management Services) that mom gets can be written off on taxes? – John from Duluth

Thanks so much for your question!

Medical care of all types can be very expensive! As we come up on the April tax deadline, is it necessary to consider the out of pocket expenses for tax purposes (and potential deductions!)?

In lieu of misinterpreting tax law, I will ask you to directly refer to 2 IRS publications to hopefully provide guidance to your specific circumstances.

1)     IRS Publication 502 – Medical and Dental Expenses   http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p502.pdf

This publication will explain (in great detail) all medical expenses that can be considered for tax purposes and any potential deductions due to these expenses.

2)     IRS Code, Supplement 5  Title 26  Section 7702B – Treatment of Qualified Long Term Care Insurance      http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/USCODE-2011-title26/USCODE-2011-title26-subtitleF-chap79-sec7702B/content-detail.html

This section will assist to clarify how LTC insurance/care should be considered for tax purposes.

If you have questions, we recommend that you speak directly to a tax accountant with knowledge and experience regarding medical deductions.

Also, the Internal Revenue Service can provide telephone assistance to answer questions regarding the preparation of your tax return at the information below:

Telephone Assistance for Individuals:
Toll-Free 1-800-829-1040
 Monday – Friday, 7 am – 7 pm

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